Foundations of Montessori Inclusion in Elementary
2021 Virtual Course
“A truly holistic approach! The Hellbruegge-Montessori inclusion approach offers a unified special education vision from birth to eighteen, providing for whole-school integrated and authentic experiences for children with special needs from Casa through Elementary and Adolescence.
Foundations of Montessori Inclusion was received in Milwaukee in June 2019 with great fresh enthusiasm. Returning fully online in summer 2021, the European inclusion experts will present their cutting-edge sequel: Foundations of Montessori Inclusion in Elementary (ages 6 to 12 years).”
-David Kahn, Executive Director Emeritus, North American Montessori Teachers’ Association
Remember: You must apply before you can register!
Returning for another world-class Montessori Inclusion training
World-renowned Pediatrician, Prof. Dr. Theodor Hellbruegge, partnered with Mario Montessori in the 1970’s to reconnect his mother’s work with the science of developmental rehabilitation to create an inclusive Montessori education.
This course will guide Elementary Montessori teachers in building great inclusive Montessori schools. Due to the COVID pandemic, the course has been reconfigured to run online, with mostly synchronous and some asynchronous learning elements. It will still be the same 80 hours of learning time live online.
This historic event is being presented by the Academy for Developmental Rehabilitation and Pediatric Professionan Development at the Theodor Hellbruegge Foundation and sponsored by Montessori Medical Partnership for Inclusion.

Here Are Some Details
We’ll begin with a 2-week virtual program…
…meeting Monday-Friday, 11:00 am – 3:30 pm (Eastern time zone, USA), August 2-13, 2021

Then the course continues...
…meeting on the 2nd Saturday of each month, September 2021 thru April 2022. Here are the dates:
September 11, 2021 January 8, 2022
October 9, 2021 February 12, 2022
November 13, 2021 March 12, 2022
December 11, 2021 April 9, 2022
Saturday classes will meet from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm (Eastern time zone USA) each Saturday with short breaks every half-hour and two 30-minute breaks in the course of the day.

50 years of Montessori Inclusion Knowledge & Experience
Join us to learn about implementing successful inclusive practice in Elementary classrooms at your school through this integrated, interdisciplinary system of supports: Montessori Inclusion, Montessori Medical Pedagogy and Montessori therapy. Topics include:
- How to build and implement Montessori-based inclusive practice through prepared adults, prepared environments and prepared materials of development;
- The roles of the devlopmental medical team, diagnosis and observation, Montessori Inclusion Pedagogy, and Montessori Therapy;
- Proven approaches to the inclusion of children with social, emotional, cognitive, motor or sensory differences in Elementary classrooms;
- Parent communication and engagement–goals and challenges and the vital role of the parents/guardians; and more!
Course Requirements:
- Participants must have Elementary certification and minimum 3 years experience teaching in a Montessori setting.
- Class materials and access codes are for class participants only.
- We request that your camera be on throughout all sessions.
This course is presented solely for educational purposes. The content of this course is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or psychiatric advice.
Everything discussed in class or with fellow students is confidential. You agree to maintain that confidentiality.
Technical requirements: To access this course, you must have a device with an internet connection, a webcam for video capability, and audio input/output capabilities. A computer with a mouse and keyboard is highly recommended. For computers, you will need a current browser, the software capability to read documents in MS Word and pdfs, an up to date software system (Apple OS X or Microsoft Windows 10), and security software (antivirus protection/firewall). There may be additional software requriements-details coming soon.
Accessibility: We will do our best to accommodate your ADA needs; please contact us to let us know how we can make the course more accessible to you, by emailing
Course Certificate: At the conclusion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion from Montessori Medical Partnership for Inclusion, if you attended all required online sessions and completed all assignments. Specific requirements will be discussed at the Course Orientation, date and time coming soon.
See the Brochure
See Time Zone Chart
FMIE Intro Webinar
Get Our Course Flyer

Joachim Dattke
Prof. h.c. Dipl.Pad.

Susanne Messmer
Montessori Inclusion Pedagogue, Montessori Therapist
Susanne Messmer is a distinguished practitioner and trainer with the International Academy of Developmental Rehabilitation and Pediatric Training. She has 30 years of experience in Montessori inclusion, Montessori special education and Montessori Therapy, beginning with Aktion Sonnenschein Munich (Prof. Dr. Theodor Hellbruegge’s ‘Project Sunshine‘) and currently working with children with special needs at Monte Balan Montessori School, Munich. Ms. Messmer holds diplomas in Social Pedagogy and AMI Montessori Special Education for children ages 3-6 years. Since 1994, she has been lecturing and teaching Montessori educators throughout Germany, Italy and Argentina on Montessori inclusion pedagogy for children 3-6 years old and Elementary school ages 6-12 years old, as well as Montessori individual and small group therapy.

Friedemann Schulze, MD
Developmental Pediatrician, Neurologist, Psychiatrist
We are so honored to welcome Dr. Friedemann Schulze to our FMIE Training Team. Dr. Schulze has worked and lived Social Pediatric Developmental Habilitation through Montessori Inclusion for more than 30 years! In his remarkable career as a physician, he has achieved specialties in pediatrics, neurology and psychiatry–he calls himself a “Neuro-pediatrician”. Following closely in the footsteps of Dr. Hellbruegge, Dr. Schulze introduced Social Pediatrics in East Germany, opening their first Kinderzentrum (Interdisciplinary Children’s Clinic) in 1989 and then in 1990 he opened Aktion Sonnenschein-Erfurt to provide the social inclusion setting that is the hallmark of the Social Pediatric Hellburegge-Montessori Inclusion Model. In 2010, the President of Germany awarded Dr. Schulze the Federal Cross of Merit, which is the highest tribute the Federal Republic of Germany can pay to individuals for services to the nation– for “his voluntary commitment to the promotion of children with disabilities and multiple handicaps and the close cooperation between medicine, therapy and pedagogy”.

Mária Kozelková
Montessori Therapsit, PhD. Psychology
Maria Kozelkova returns to continue sharing her expertise from the medical community, Montessori education, and in the new frontier which combines these two fields to benefit children and youth with disabilities and mental health disorders. Ms. Kozelkova’s medical background includes a Master’s Degree in Psychology and a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology from the University of Trnava, Slovakia, along with many years of practice as a Clinical Psychologist and Montessori Therapist at the Faculty Hospital Trnava, Children’s Rehabilitation Sanatorium in Trnava, Slovakia. Additionally, Ms. Kozelkova holds an AMI Montessori Diploma and Montessori Therapy training from the Hellbrüegge International Academy of Developmental Rehabilitation in Munich. She is also an Asst. Professor at the University of Trnava and teaches courses in Psychodiagnostics of Children and Adolescents, Mental Disorders of Children and Youth, Biological Psychology, Montessori Therapy and The Montessori Method in Psychology. Ms. Kozelkova is an insightful, charming and expert Trainer for the Hellbrüegge Foundation, with experience giving lectures and courses in Slovakia, Poland, Latvia and the Czech Republic.

Mrs. Tatiana Dattke
Montessori Inclusion Pedagogue, Montessori Teacher-Children's House
Mrs. Dattke joins her husband, Joachim Dattke, as a Montessori Inclusion Trainer for the first week of the Course. Tatiana Dattke holds AMI diplomas at the Casa level (ages 3-6) at the Elementary Level (ages 6-12), as well as Montessori Special Needs Education. Mrs. Dattke has been a Montessori Teacher for 30 years, and still teaches in an inclusive Montessori Kindergarten in Munich. Her studies of Montessori principles and applications in both Russia and Germany inspired her to work on behalf of the Theodor Hellbrügge Foundation. With this work, another Montessori love story began and she married Joachim. As they raise a family, they still travel together sharing the Inclusive Montessori vision of Prof. Dr. Hellbrüegge and teaching Montessori Pedagogy and Montessori Special Needs Education courses across Europe, Asia, South America and, Milwaukee. We are so please she will join us again for this virtual course!
Regular Registration
Until July 15, 2021- Payment in full is due with registration
- Payment plan is available, contact for more information
Late Registration
July 16-August 1, 2021- Payment in full is due with registration
Participant Instructions
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