Montessori Medical Partnership for Inclusion

Outreach and Support for an Inclusive World

Breaking News- AMI/USA Unveils Position Statement on Inclusion

We are pleased to be sharing the news that AMI/USA officially released their Position Statement on Inclusion and Educational Equity on February 16, 2025, at the national conference in Oklahoma City! We are so proud of Catherine Massie of MMPI, member of the HRSJ Advisory Council and chair of the Position Statement on Educational Equity Ad-Hoc Committee. Massie along with fellow committee members (including our own Erin Lopez-Brooks) and Ayize Sabater, Ed. D., AMI/USA Executive Director, Dr. KaLinda Bass-Barlow, Chair, AMI/USA Board of Directors, Sheri Bishop, M.Ed., AMI/USA Human Rights and Social Justice Advisor, and Jacqui Miller, Chair, AMI/USA HRSJ Board Committee worked for 3 years to craft the final statement which you can read HERE.

Our Mission

Helping Montessori schools and programs around the world increase their capacity for successful and developmental inclusion.

Our Vision

Montessori and Medicine working together to include more children!

Scientific & Medical Pedagogy

Montessori education that is developmental, diagnostic and therapeutic


“The school constitutes an immense field for research; it is a “pedagogical clinic,” which, in view of its importance, can be compared to no other gathering of subjects for study. Thanks to the system of compulsory education, it gathers to itself every living human being of both sexes and of every social caste, normal and abnormal; and it retains them there, throughout a most important period of growth. This is the field, therefore, in which the culture of the human race can really and practically be undertaken; and a joint labouor of physician and teacher will sow the seed of a future human hygiene, adapted to achieve perfection in man, both as a species and as a social unit.”

[Dr. Maria Montessori, Pedagogical Anthropology, July 1913]

MMPI - Recent News and Happenings

Joyce Pickering, SLP, Hum. D. Receives MMPI Award for Lifetime Contributions to Montessori Medical Pedagogy

On Saturday, October 12th, 2024,

MMPI presented Dr. Pickering with our Lifetime

Legacy Award for her dedication, contributions,

and leadership in Montessori Medical Pedagogy.

Prof. Joachim Dattke Receives MMPI Award for Lifetime Contributions in Montessori Inclusion

On Saturday, June 22nd, 2024,

MMPI presented Prof. Dattke with our Lifetime

Legacy Award for his dedication, contributions,

and leadership in Montessori Inclusion Pedagogy.

MMPI Initiatives and Professional Development Course Offerings

MMPI’s Newest Initiative:

Communities of Practice (CoP)

A CoP is a diverse group of people who come together to work collaboratively on a common goal. They share ideas, analyze challenges and find solutions.  Everyone brings unique contributions and has things to offer and to learn.

Join us as we create a community of

support for the pediatric OTs of Ghana.

CoP- Ghana’s next meeting is tentatively scheduled for

Saturday, March 29, 2025, 4 pm / GMT 7 pm EAT, noon Eastern US time

Topic- TBA

CUPDATE: MMPI’s cohort of English-speaking participants in Montessori Therapy Training approach course completion!


Showcase Debut: Mario Montessori’s Special Work

Mario Montessori and Wife Montessori 4 InclusionIt is surprisingly unknown that, like his mother, Mario Montessori was an international advocate for the education of children with disabilities. His vision and support of experimental implementations of medically-enhanced and inclusive Montessori education were ahead of his time and offer us today a roadmap to a more inclusive world.

Mario Montessori was involved in two of the most important contributions to the development of a Montessori-based Special Education which were developed during the 1960’s–one in the United States (District of Columbia Society for Crippled Children, Washington, DC) and one in Germany (Aktion Sonnenschein, Munich). Through partnership with Dr. Theodor Hellbruegge (Munich) and Dr. William Argy (Washington DC), both distinguished medical doctors and medical researchers, Mario supported the re-connection of his mother’s educational legacy with the medical sciences as an aid to development and to inclusion of children with disabilities.

To honor the significant contribution of these Montessori-medical partnerships, MMPI will open its Inclusion Showcase by documenting these two integrated medical-educational projects to which Mario Montessori devoted himself.

Check out our first Showcase to see an historic video and read a scientific research study of Montessori education offered to children at the DC Society for Crippled Children, 1962-1964.

Montessori 4 Inclusion Children Sitting Around Tree

The Right of Every Child to be Included!

It is the right of every child be included as fully as possible in all aspects of life including school. We see the Montessori curriculum as the best path toward that goal because it is uniquely designed to integrate medical and educational approaches to support the inclusion of children with more diverse needs.

Montessori 4 Inclusion Diverse Children

Access to Important Inclusion Resources

We promote access to programs and resources that help parents, teachers, medical professionals and school leaders learn more about, participate in and implement successful inclusion programs. Utilizing this leading-edge inclusion framework aids the optimal growth of all children and adolescents, those with and those without disabilities, all together in nurturing, social, learning communities.

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