Maureen Murphy-Ryan offers a clinical look at attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Her thorough definition of ADHD and the diagnoses that may occur simultaneously offer teachers an awareness of what this could look like in a classroom.
Montessori Inclusion Implementation
Occupational Therapy and Montessori— Kindred Spirits: Moving towards a Scientific and Medical Pedagogy
Barbara Luborsky explores the commonalities between occupational therapists and Montessori guides, such as their focus on the prepared environment, following the child, task analysis, and multi-sensory learning.
Helping Children with Attentional Challenges in a Montessori Classroom: The Role of the Occupational Therapist
Barbara Luborsky links the medical field and Montessori pedagogy to address atypical attention in children through the lens of the occupational therapist. She provides an overview of attention and sensory processing disorders and then informs about particular diagnoses, particularly ADHD and its comorbidity with other diagnoses.
Neurophysical Soft Signs in Children and Rehabilitation According to the Montessori Method
The Montessori method has, however, also found its use in rehabilitation and therapeutic work, mainly in the USA and Munich (integrated education, Aktion Sonnenschein). [This article describes a fascinating clinical application of the Montessori approach at a child psychiatric facility, Aurora Hospital, in Helsinki, Finland.]
Montessori and autism: An interpretive description study
In this research I asked the question “How do Montessori teachers adapt Montessori methods with children diagnosed with ASD?” An interpretive description methodology focused on the specific modifications participant teachers applied to the Montessori method…This methodology will provide practical applications for Montessori teachers who do not have experience with children with ASD…”