Resources for Schools and Program Leaders
Current information related to schools and program management
Note: Montessori Medical Partnership for Inclusion does not officially endorse or represent any of these resources. We are providing this list of free and low-cost resourses and apps as a service to our members and visitors. If you have anything you think we should include, please email
Simple Things Count: Seven ways to be more inclusive with people with disabilities
Video interviews with leaders in disability rights, politics, and technology fields describing specific things to help you and your colleagues be more inclusive.

A Conversation with Jacquie Miller
From Lead Montessori

Guidance from the AAP regarding considerations for re-opening our schools in the fall.

How to do Montessori in the time of corona?
By Madlena Ulrich and Carla Foster, lecturers in Further Education in Montessori Pedagogy at the University of South-Eastern Norway.
“Montessori pedagogy and the guidelines for infection prevention seem to be incompatible in many ways, and it may be tempting to “cancel” Montessori and simply carry out other ways of teaching and supervision instead. Yet we actually have a commitment to do our work according to the principles of Montessori pedagogy…”
Kilpatrick's Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties
An Open Course from the Colorado Department of Education
Kathy Minardi of Whole School Leadership discusses leading in a time of crisis.

Aidan Montessori Shares Online Curriculum!
Aidan Montessori School, Washington DC, has put their distance learning curriculum for all of our levels on their website. Anyone can access it, and we are happy if it provides ideas/resources to other schools. Some of it is derived from other schools that have similarly shared. While there is additional curriculum that is inaccessible to the public, if any of you are looking for getting started ideas or if you are running out of ideas, please feel free to “steal like an artist” from this link: https://www.aidanschool.

Free Online Leveled Readers!
This portal is offered as a free resource to help facilitate online reading instruction and learning during this challenging time of school closures due to the Coronavirus outbreak.

New Strategies in Special Education for Children Learning at Home
In special education, teachers say that schedules, sensory supports, and close collaboration with families can help smooth the transition to remote learning during coronavirus.

Syllables and Beyond! OgStar Reading App: FREE!

Reading Rockets- Literacy Apps
Apps are fun and motivating for kids! Let Reading Rockets help you find the very best educational apps that provide practice with essential skills in print awareness, phonics, spelling, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing. We’ve also included apps for children with dyslexia, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorder that support organization and goal-setting, language and communication, and emotional regulation.
Legal FAQs on Coronavirus, School Closings, and Special Education
Working with Lindsay Jones of our partner, the National Center for Learning Disabilities, we created this FAQ to answer common legal questions you may have about and other education issues.

Resurces for Educating Students with Disabilities During the Coronavirus Crisis
As the world determines how to handle the escalating outbreak of COVID-19, education leaders across the country are facing difficult and enormously impactful decisions. We hope this resource guide will assist educators and school practitioners in developing comprehensive plans for students with disabilities and creating effective and high-quality learning environments for all during this evolving national transition.
COVID-19 and Students with Disabilities
This article was updated on March 13, 2020 at 11 a.m. to reflect new guidance from the U.S. Department of Education.
As the United States grapples with the escalating outbreak of COVID-19, the highly contagious and devastating coronavirus, education leaders across the country are facing difficult, enormously impactful choices.
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