Important Links
Ogranizations providing insightful resources that help expand capacity for successful inclusion of all children in Monessori schools.
Medical-Educational Collaboration
These organizations are working in meaningful ways to move forward the medical-educational collaboration model through advocacy and or practice.
Special Education
These sites provide excellent resources and information about Special Education policy, advocacy, and practice.
Learning Differences
These sites provide excellent background information about dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia, as well as useful resources about intervention and teaching children with learning differences.
Speech and Language
These sites provide information about Speech Language therapy, classroom strategies, and information on treatment of particular challenges.
Here a some of our favorite motor and sensory sites, providing resources for home and classroom as well as information about specific topics.
Autism Spectrum
These sites provide excellent resources and information about autism spectrum disorders for families and teachers as well as ideas for classroom support and more.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
These sites provide excellent information about the results of trauma, particularly on children, but also in regards to teachers and parents as they work to support children who are survivors of neglect, abuse, abandonment, and/or trauma of any kind.
Interpretation of Behavior
Children exhibiting atypical behaviors can be quite disruptive and persistent. Remembering that behavior is a communication that reflects something the child needs, can help us respond more appropriatley. These sites provide information about behavior as communication of a child’s needs as well as resources and successful ways to support children with getting what they need in the classroom and at home.
Montessori Organizations
These are organizations whose goals align with and support efforts to include more children in Montessori classrooms.

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