Roseanne Scotta

Academic & Life Coach supporting ADHD/Executive Functioning, Special Education Teacher for 3 decades including at a farm-based special education school, Yoga instructor, creator of Yoga for Inclusion, and Montessori parent.

With thirty years of experience as a special educator, specialized studies to support executive functions, and Life and Academic Coaching for ADHD and Neurodiverse Thinkers, Roseanne found the connection of her work in education, yoga studies, and coaching, crossing paths at the junction of regulation of body and mind.  It is the necessary key for personal, social, educational growth as well as vocational success. The tools of yoga and yoga philosophy ignite executive functions and enhance the development of inner quiet, deepening the sense of self while in the classroom, on a job, or in life.  Strengthening executive function supports the ability to participate in life’s demands with ease.  On the physical plane, yoga and meditation catalyze our brain’s ability to stay focused and regulated to better handle stress, and distraction.  On the mat, this deepens asana-quieting the mind, connecting to the spiritual self, finding center, and noticing the body in space.  Off the mat, this quiet can help one focus and self-regulate to participate fully with goals, social interactions, and the development of self-awareness.  This synthesis has become Roseanne’s focus in her work in education, coaching and in her yoga teaching.